Sunday, August 14, 2011

We post something already

What's up all,

The concept for this blog was to find folks wearing stuff they should not be in and photograph it.  Well we all know my girl over at Hot azz mess has perfected this idea to the T.  I did have a slightly different thought when I started this sight it was more like a blog what not to wear.  Well if you follow my regular blog Gems of the Day you know I never post here because I am so busy posting other stuff. 

   I thought I might try to rededicate my self to this post this year and from a designer of clothing and someone that recognizes proper fit that I will just start going ape shit on folk in violation but no just to make fun of them but to help other folks with option ideas.  Well, lets see it this works at all.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

We are getting the house ready


We are getting the house ready. I am currently hiring photographers to be my eyes on the streets this site promises to be the most hilarious blog site ever. Because art imitates life and nothing can be funnier than life. Remember if your posting wins the *H.A.M award for the week there are prizes. Please don't try to stage pics we are up on that. Fashion-Gems is plugged in to certain viewers so keep it real, really....
Also, there will be awards for the most put-together person on the street.
When it becomes necessary we will be adding more categories. Some in the works right now are:

1. Super Hobo the street edition
2. Ghetto Fabulosity
3. Eat Some thing please!!!!

Fashion-Gems also will be accepting suggestions. We will be giving full credit to submitters who are selected and prize packages which are not limited to spa treatments and visits (local prize winners for now)
* = Hot Azz Mess

Keep It Cute!!!!
or u could end up on this blog.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Well, darlings here is were we post
all the on the street fashion dos and dont's
and we chat about them..

Keep it Cute!!!!

We are watching....LOL